Based on the answers provided, your patient does not meet the criteria for assistance from the Genentech Patient Foundation. Exceptions are sometimes made based on a patient’s individual situation. If you believe there are special circumstances that may apply to your patient's situation, you can ask us to take another look and request an exception by contacting a Foundation Specialist at the Genentech Patient Foundation. Call 888-941-3331 (Mon.–Fri., 6AM–5PM PST).
An independent co-pay assistance foundation is a charitable organization providing financial assistance to patients with specific disease states, regardless of treatment. Patients who are commercially or publicly insured, including those covered by Medicare and Medicaid, can contact the foundations directly to request assistance. Eligibility requirements, all aspects of the application process, turnaround times and the amount of assistance offered (if any) can vary by foundation.
These foundations may be able to help. Please check their websites for up-to-date information.
Advise your patient that these organizations are independent of Genentech, and may require the patient to provide personal or financial information directly to the organization to enroll in their respective programs. Genentech cannot share any information the patient has provided to us.
Independent co-pay assistance foundations have their own rules for eligibility. We have no involvement or influence in independent foundation decision-making or eligibility criteria and do not know if a foundation will be able to help your patient. We can only refer your patient to a foundation that supports their disease state. This information is provided as a resource for you. We do not endorse or show preference for any particular foundation. The foundations in this list may not be the only ones that might be able to help your patient.
Call 888-941-3331 (Mon.–Fri., 6AM–5PM PST)
Commercial insurance: An insurance plan you get from a private health insurance company. This can be insurance from your job, from a plan you bought yourself or from a Health Insurance Marketplace (for example, from Medicare and Medicaid are not considered commercial insurance.
Public insurance: A health insurance plan you get from the federal or state government. This includes Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE and DoD/VA insurance.
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